
Collection of primary data (people’s actions, reactions, consumers’ attitude to certain actions, etc.) by fixing information on different media. Usually, fixation of information is carried out in a specially designed form/form.

Observation can be carried out in the following forms:

  • Depending on the level of structure the following is distinguished: standardized/ non-standardized observation. In the first case, the observation occurs when the problems of research, types of behavior, forms for data processing and analysis are predetermined. In the second case, due to the uncertainty of the subject matter of the study, a significant amount of flexibility on the part of observers in terms and fixed data is allowed.
  • Also open surveillance (when participants are aware that they are being watched) and closed surveillance (when participants are not aware of the study) are distinguished.

By the nature of the conditions the following can be identified:

  • natural observations in everyday conditions;
  • artificial ones created specifically for research purposes