Media research

Research of media preferences is necessary for effective planning of advertising campaign and to reduce advertising costs. 

The main objective of this study is to obtain the following data:

  • What kind of TV (cable, public, satellite) do customers watch more often
  • Which TV channels/broadcasts are most popular with your consumers
  • Which newspapers, magazines are regularly read by your consumers, and which are not read at all
  • Which radio stations does your target audience prefer to listen to
  • Whether it uses the Internet, if so, what resources does it visit most often
  • Which social networks or groups in messengers are visited by the target audience
  • How often are different media resources consumed

The data obtained in these studies will help to better plan the media plan. And also help to choose the most effective media for your advertising campaign. Data collection is carried out by methods: Personal interview, Telephone survey, Diary method.


Communications research

Communication research, unlike media research, involves the study of a wider range of possible impacts on the target audience.

It is supposed to study both traditional media (television, radio, press) and other possible communication (outdoor advertising, packaging, Internet, word of mouth, recommendations of opinion by leaders, etc)

For each of the means of communication, it is possible to assess the degree of impact directly on your target audience and how much your consumers trust the information received by various means of communication, as well as what their degree of influence. Data collection is carried out by both quantitative and qualitative methods of research (in-depth interviews, in-home visits, observation)