Etnographic research and visits

Knowledge of the consumer allows the company to understand better that it is necessary for the consumer, his dreams, his fears, desires, requirements and what he is guided by at decision-making on purchase. It is impossible to influence the feelings of consumers and motivations of their behavior in the market without studying the target audience.

Ethnographic research is a type of qualitative research, the basis of which is the observation and in-depth study of the consumer, which combines a range of marketing tools: observation, diaries of respondents, interviews, collection and analysis of various factors surrounding the respondent.

This method is aimed at studying consumer behavior in natural conditions (work, home, school, time of purchase) and reveals the true factors that influence the motivation of the target group.

The research conducted by the method of ethnographic research allows:

  • see and understand how brands, products or services are actually used in natural environment;
  • avoid unnatural, simulated behavior on the part of respondents;
  • assess the level of context impact;
  • determine what value/meaning brands have for consumers;
  • identify insights and pop-up emotions, words and symbols that characterize them

Ethnographic studies can solve the following problems:

  • search for ideas to develop and find niches for new products and services;
  • improving the performance of existing products;
  • identification of competitive advantages;
  • identification of the features using the product;
  • identification of regional characteristics of consumers, as well as specific culture of consumption in age and gender communities;
  • identification of prospects for rebranding the product/service;
  • study of consumer trends and ways of their formation, determination of attitudes, habits, motives.


DE FACTO Agency specialists have extensive experience in conducting ethnographic research and studying the consumer in their natural environment, with the preparation of a report based on in-depth analysis.