Expert survey

Expert survey is a collection of primary data based on the use of experience, knowledge and intuition of experts in the studied areas. Experts are specialists who know the specific aspects of the studied phenomenon.

To conduct a survey, the interviewer must have sufficient competence in the subject under study, as well as know the terminology used by professionals when discussing issues on the research topic. It is necessary to focus on the importance for the study of the opinion of each expert, while in mass surveys respondents are informed that all the data will be subjected to general statistical processing.

As a rule, open language is used in expert surveys. Closed-ended questions are asked very rarely, usually to clarify or confirm the measure of agreement with the views of other survey participants.

Expert surveys (interviews with managers, specialists of companies) – as a rule, such surveys are aimed at clarifying hypotheses, developing forecasts and updating interpretations of certain social processes and phenomena. Such surveys are dominated by open language, and closed questions are intended only to assess the level of confidence, measures of agreement or disagreement with the already expressed positions of other specialists.

Tasks to be solved:

  • Obtaining information on markets and processes in the market, which for some reason are not available and are the property of a small number of specialists.
  • Obtaining information about the object of study, which has specific characteristics, which are known only to professionals.
  • Obtaining a forecast of future events in the absence of statistical data, or when they are insufficient.
  • Obtaining quantitative estimates of parameters for which there are no other methods of measurement, for example, in assessing the importance of objectives and the preference of individual promotion methods.
  • Clarification of hypotheses and completion of interpretation of certain marketing and/or social phenomena and processes