Personal interview

Personal interviews can be conducted both on the street by random selection, and at the place of residence of the Respondent. For this purpose, a random multistage sampling is used. In other words, the regions or cities in which interviews are conducted are randomly selected, followed by streets and houses, followed by apartments (households), and then respondents in households.

Personal interviews are used in the following cases:

  • if the study is conducted in settlements with insufficient telephony,
  • if it is necessary to show the Respondent demonstration materials (covers, logos, photos, stickers, etc.).)
  • if the average length of the interview exceeds 25-30 minutes 

Interview process:

  • The interview is conducted on a formalized questionnaire, that is, each Respondent is asked to answer the same questions in a strictly defined sequence. The interviewer asks questions and records the answers.
  • Interviews are conducted on different days of the week and time of day, and if no one is home or the Respondent is busy, the interviewer pays a second visit to the selected apartment.
  • Interviewers work under the supervision of supervisors. Each interviewer takes a special training course: how to select respondents, how to make contact, how to ask questions and work with the questionnaire.

Interview at the place of residence.

  • Interviews are conducted at the Respondent’s place of residence. Apartment survey is the most suitable for complex long-term interviews. Most studies use the route method of household selection, combined with quotas of semi-age characteristics of respondents. Apartment interviews are conducted on different days of the week and time of day, and if no one is at home or the Respondent is busy, the interviewer pays a second visit to the selected apartment.
  • Conducting a survey at the place of residence allows you to implement a sample representing the population of the city. The method of apartment survey is very convenient for demonstration and testing of product samples, identifying psychographic and behavioral characteristics of consumers, determining the structure of consumption.

Interview on streets

  • Street interview is a variant of the usual face-to-face interview. Street version of the survey “face to face” is simple and accurate wording of the questions. Accordingly, the street interview is always short. The method of street survey will allow to get a large amount of information from respondents with a high degree of reliability. Personal communication allows you to use visual aids (frames from advertising, product samples, etc.).
  • In a representative sampling, the search for respondents occurs randomly with a certain step (for example, every third passer-by is interviewed). In the target sample, respondents are interviewed according to the quotas (for example, men aged 30-40 years with personal vehicles). All answers of the Respondent are entered in the questionnaire which has the formalized character. At the same time, the interviewer insists on filling out the entire questionnaire.